I have a friend who loves the Cosmo Cricket S'more Love line of scrap booking stuff. So when they announced this would be in fabric form, she asked if I could make a quilt for her. Um, of course! How fun is that when scrap booking paper is made into fabric?? I had no idea this could even happen. My scrap booking days are over. Poor Robot Child #2 always complains that her baby book is SO small compared to Robot Child #1. It is. There are like 5 pages in her book, the eldest has it completely full. Isn't that how it works tho? Poor 2nd child gets the short stick for sure.
Lotsa-fish-here |
I digress. Anyway - My friend sent me the pattern she wanted me to use, which you can find
here. I bought a FQ bundle which was WAY too much for this pattern, but we wanted to incorporate ALL fabrics from this line so that was necessary. I asked if she would like a quilt to match for her little boy. Of course! Who wouldn't want matching Mama & Little Boy quilts? ;)
Boy Quilt |
I just used simple patchwork on his...with the little campers as the background. I love those owls.
S'more Love ♥ |
I wrapped up her quilt with the Moda tag so she could scrapbook with it. Yah, I'm pretty clever. ;) JK.
This was a fun quilt to make...I was in a hurry to deliver it yesterday on our day off for President's Day here in the U.S., so I didn't get any stats on it. I did change the pattern a little and added blocks to both ends to make it a smidge bigger.
Robot Husband has been sick with the plague or something quite similar. So he's been banished to the TV room. I banished myself to my sewing room, which is fine by me! For the 3 day weekend I sewed. Oh, I did a little bit of vacuuming only because apparently the maid had forgot to do that. ;)
I am working on 3 quilts presently. I am really trying hard to become more organized. Trying REALLY hard. I will have a post on this later with some tips I've found - that work for me, 'the VERY unorganized'. Meanwhile, while I'm working on these quilts, I've been catching up on my Downton Abbey season 4. I pre-ordered the series so I don't have to wait to watch the next episode. I'm extremely impatient....aren't all quilters? Right? We just want to finish that quilt to move on to the next.
Well, as I was watching/listening to DA, episode 4 - I could not believe the scene that enveloped before me. TEARS people! I won't ruin this for those of you who have not seen it, but just be fair warned - get yourself some tissues for that episode...and be prepared for it to linger in your brain for many days.... Sigh.
And if you don't want to cry while you are sewing, and have to slam down your pretty fabrics because you cannot believe the travesty that just took place, then watch Sherlock. Hee-larious. LOVE it. I am pretty sure I was born in the wrong country, because I am a British die hard fan. I recently got hooked on Sherlock, (not sure what took me so long) and I
sort of majorly have a crush on Sherlock. He's so sarcastic and crazy. Love him. Oh, and I just realized that Watson was Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit. Only because we were walking through Lowe's one day and I was reciting the most recent episode of Sherlock to my husband and was laughing about something...when this happened:
Me: Oh that Watson, he's so funny and predictable.
Husband: Oh, yah the guy from the Hobbit?
Me: What? How did you get the Hobbit out of that?
Husband: Um, no - the guy who is Watson is Bilbo.
Me: Oh. O.M.G!! I can't believe I didn't put that together!!
Husband: Really? You can't?
My brain is not the most reliable. For being a Robot, it really has it's letdowns. ;)
Linking up to:
Quilt Story