
Thursday, January 23, 2014


Are you ready for this?  
I have joined a traveling Quilt Bee.  SO exciting!!  Stephanie of Spolgar Quilts sent out an invite and I jumped right in.  Feet first.   I have NO clue what I'm doing, no ideas are spilling out of my brain, but it will be fun, regardless!!    These four lovely ladies and I will be sending our quilts around the country.  So exciting!  Well, actually, the black sheep that I always am, I am the only West coast gal.  Everyone is East coast, but still - what an adventure these quilts will have!  

Here we are: 

Wish me luck!! ;)  Stay tuned for our adventures.  We are also on Flickr.
Thanks to Jess for the cute button!! :)


  1. That sounds like a blast! I'm interested to see what your group puts together.

  2. This looks very different. Great idea. Have fun!


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