
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Library Project

Ok!  Yay!  It's time for the Library Project!!  This is hosted by the lovely Adrienne from Chezzetcook Quilts, created in mind for us to not just drool over our quilting books/patterns, but to actually use them. A great concept I think!

I actually ended up deleting quite a few.  Let's TRY and be realistic here.  :(  Sigh.  Not enough hours in the day.  

Here are the ones I am really dedicated to completing this year.  I have a mix of actual books, patterns and magazine patterns.

1.  Heartthrob - Pattern by Lella Boutique.  I finally got my FQ's picked out for this.  I am using Heather Bailey's Lottie Da.  SO excited.

2.  Giggles - Pattern by Jaybird Quilts.  Not sure but I'm thinking of doing this in Lecien.  Or something like it.  Reds, pinks, greens and turquoise of course.

3.  Cub Crawl baby quilt by Fat Quarterly.  So cute.

4.  This flying Geese quilt from Modern Designs for Classic Quilts.  I will probably do a baby version...I really need to brush up on flying geese.

 5.  Math Facts - from the Quilty Winter 2012 issue.  LOVE the solids.

Chevron & On Kit
Photo courtesy of Quilty
6. Chevron and On - from the Quilty Spring 2013 issue.  For some reason I cannot find my copy, but it's here somewhere. :(  I have the fabric picked out - Les Amis in orange.

So there we have it!  6 picks.  I think it's manageable. ;)  Join us won't you?


  1. Nice choices! I really should join in. I have way too many books and magazines that I've never actually made anything from.

  2. Great Concept. Now you will actually have a quilt instead of a picture. I'll have to go check this out and see about joining. I do like the projects you have picked. 6 is not too many.

  3. That is a great idea to get things done. I love the math facts quilt as well and it is on to do wish list.

  4. Great choices and great fabric pulls!

  5. I love all of these projects!! Can't wait to see come to life!

  6. Love all your choices. The two patterns from Quilty are in for the next round. So much fun!

  7. Some lovely choices. good luck with your plans.

  8. So happy to have you quilting along with us Kimberly! Your picks are wicked! I am so addicted to Quilty Magazine and have been wanting to make Math Facts. I think I should have waited to see everyone else picks before I made my choices! So hard to pick just a few! Plus I think my library is going to bigger as this QAL goes along! Ha!


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