
Monday, January 27, 2014

I ♥ Technology

It's no secret.  I am a robot, thus I ♥ technology.  For holidays my husband always asks for gifts like tools, welding supplies, drills, you know, boring stuff like that and I have no clue what he's talking about.   So I give him technology that he needs and just doesn't know it.  ;)  It's what I know, and I feel confident in these purchases.

Anyway, I have had an iPad 1 since they came out.  It's loved.  It's slow. It is inundated with kids apps galore.  I always have to fight the kids for it.  I can't get the new fancy schmancy shiny apps because my iPad is outdated.  So sad. 

If you recall on this post, I asked for suggestions on how to keep all your 'quilty' ideas manageable and organized.  The fabulous Michelle  gave me the suggestion of using Evernote, as her husband swears by it.  I had been using OneNote to hold all my tutorials, inspiration etc., but I couldn't get it on my sad old iPad. Evernote is very similar to OneNote.  So I downloaded it on my PC and LOVED it.  I immediately moved all my stuff from OneNote to my new Evernote account.  Then I ran to my iPad only to find out, it was one more app I couldn't get.  Boo!!

Mama needs a new iPad.  

Isn't this cover the cutest?
 I ended up going with the iPad Air.  She is so sweet.  Light and fluffy.   Ahhhh.  Bliss.

Eeek!  Quilty shapes here....

So, I have 3 tabs running in Evernote for all my quilty goodness.  I have tutorials, Patterns I ♥ and Inspiration.

I know some of you may say, 'Well Pinterest can keep all your stuff too', but I get a little overwhelmed with Pinterest.  I put stuff on there that I like, think oh that's cute, but then I never look at it again.  Plus, I get annoyed by having to log in, click something, then be launched somewhere else...that may or may not be the correct link.  I also get extremely sidetracked on Pinterest.  I have had to set myself time limits for when I am in the Pinterest universe.

But hey, that's me.  Remember I am a Robot and the more streamlined and organized, the better I function. ;)

The best part is, if I'm at my computer, and find something I want to put on my Evernote, it automatically syncs to my iPad.  LOVE it.  

We are becoming best friends. ♥

See?  Technology is A-Mazing. 

**Don't worry, no old outdated iPads were harmed in the update.  iPad #1 has been adopted by the Robot Children, who are very happy and excited to have her as their own. ;)**


  1. Ha ha I adopted your ipad's BIG brother today.... iMac sitting proudly on my table now. So happy you are happy with your new device.
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  2. Congratulations on your iPad Air. I'd love to have one. I, too, love Evernote. It's a great tool.

  3. I'm glad that Evernote has worked so well for you!! Your ipad air looks soooo nice! I hope you two have many quilting adventures ahead of you :)

  4. ooh! congrats to you!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  5. Technology looks good on you! Love that hot pink! Congrats on the new device!

  6. Yay for new technology! This post got me moving, and I finally installed Evernote on my computer. I've been somewhat using it on my iPhone, but now I plan on making better use of this tool. So, thanks!

  7. Now I want one! It is great when technology functions the way it is supposed to.


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