
Monday, January 30, 2012


Whew.  I basted this quilt on Sunday.  If you've been expecting this quilt to be done by now, you have WAY high expectations.  I'm a very slow quilter. :(

 I love my jar of giant pins.  I don't know why.  It makes me happy.
I received a new (to me) table from my new quilting friend, Lucinda.  This baby pulls out to a giant cutting table, or basting table as I used it.  Robot Husband made me a lovely ironing board that sits directly on top.  I got rid of the old ironing board, moved this in and voila.  This space is way more usable now.  Plus, no more crawling around on the floor trying to baste quilts and killing my back in the meantime.  Love it!! Thanks Lucinda!!

I hope to finish this quilt sometime soon.  I hate machine quilting and I think I've got a touch of carpal tunnel.  So, I took a 'mini-break' in hopes to get use back to my left hand.  Then I can tackle machine quilting this beauty.   I'm excited to use it.

This is Lola's Rockstar look....the kids like to fluff up her lionmane and make her look 'Punk'.  She's got a crabby look today because she hates Mondays.  ;)

Friday, January 27, 2012


My pictures were accepted on the Fresh Modern Quilt group in Flickr!  WOOHOOOO!  Can I tell you how excited I am?  I'm VERY excited.

Check them out here:

Super duper exciting that I wasn't rejected. Lola is just glad she doesn't have to deal with the tears of rejection.  She's kind of a cranky bunny today.  She must have stayed up all night long.  I wonder what she does?  I have an obsession with her.  I find myself staring and watching her all the time.  No wonder she's cranky. 


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Flickr Nonsense

Uh, I have no idea what I'm doing.  I registered an account for Flickr and added 3 pictures.  Woah, that's a lot I know.  Anyway-I joined the Modern Quilt Group and submitted my favorites (2 out of 3 - haha).  There's a disclaimer on the group that they may or may not accept your pictures into the group.  WELL!
I feel slightly snubbed.  I don't know if mine have been accepted or not, but since the 'idea' of the group is to be ultra modern and fresh and funky, my guess is my sweet little 9 patch quilt may not make the cut.
I feel like I'm auditioning for American Idol and everyone will know I wasn't passed on to round 1!  Egads.  What have I done?

Sigh....Oh well.

Lola says to suck it up and move on.  Perhaps even start my own funky fresh quilt group.  Humpfh.  Perhaps I will do that.  I don't do well with rejection.  Thanks Lola! 
Here she is being very thoughtful and intent in listening.  Such a good bunny.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stupid Math & Measurements

It's no secret.  I suck at math.  I'm actually forbidden at work from doing anything that involves math or percentages. :(   So of course I shorted my fabric for the backing of my Ruby Quilt.  OF COURSE, when it was on sale, when I could have gotten it for a 'song'...I didn't get enough.  Dang it. 

Plus I'm not all that sure how I want to do the back.  Any suggestions? 

So far I have this:

Pardon the wrinkly look, but it's just hanging up on my design wall haphazardly because I got mad. :)
I normally don't go for overly floral prints, but something about the gray and red made me love this print.
So, I'm thinking of doing a big red strip along the side of these two. 
I don't know.  The binding will be the red with small white polka-dots (Swiss dot fabric).  :)

In other news, meet Lola.  She's our newest Pet.  We LOVE her.  OMG.  She is the sweetest little thing.
She'll be making random blog appearances so be on the look out.
Word is, she LOVES blogging.  Just what I heard.  ;)

Lazy Bunny
 Isn't she adorable?  You don't need to answer.  I already know.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I found some amazing shelving units perfect for housing my fabric stash, out from under my desk where I have no idea what I have or don't have.  My fabric stash was all smashed into one of those Rubbermaid containers for Christmas decorations.  I had no idea what I had in there.  There is still some in there, but all the pretty useful fabric gets to go on top.  
It's now like I have a mini fabric store.  Mini. 
I also want more jars to hold pretty stuff and notions on top. :)

I also finished my first Swiss flag.  We fought, this flag and I.  It's not perfect.  As you can see, the left side is wonky/ripply, but i still like it.  I will make a bigger version of this mini-flag for my Grams.

Happy Monday - It's finally snowing...sort of. :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Color

I think I have the Winter Blahs.  I work at home and I strategically placed my desk in front of the window, usually enjoying the sites outside.  This weather has brought nothing but gloom and muck and yuck.  BLAH.

The fabric store had a sale today.  What way to get rid of the winter blahs than to go to the fabric store and soak in some color?  I say, yes please.  I picked up some more of my beloved Ruby fabric for the back of my quilt.  Whilst I was there, I found some other fabric I have been coveting forever!

  Peacock Lane by Violet Craft
To Die For.  Right?
I'm thinking of doing some fussy cutting and wonky stars on this one.  But, I may have to keep it in my stash for a while...petting it and adoring it. :)

I also picked up some fabric to do a Swiss flag mini-quilt.  An idea I have floating around in my head.   My grandma is Swiss and is in a nursing home.  I think it would look lovely on her wall and would help brighten the room.

Here are some other things I've got on my list of things I want to try and conquer in this lifetime:
Color wheels....Oh so pretty.
Even found a dresden one...I've got dresden's on my 'to-learn' list as well. :)

Have a great weekend everyone. :)  We are getting a bunny.  I'm lonely and I need an office mate.  Tomorrow we will be going bunny supply shopping.  Hip Hip Hooray!  LOL!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pinterest and other random musings

Eeeek!!  I posted my very first picture of my very own onto Pinterest!  I'm actually really nervous!!  How silly.  :)

I got a LOT accomplished yesterday.  My Ruby quilt is turning out beautifully.  Robot Husband even said it's my best quilt yet and it's his favorite.  Awww.  Love him!  That is really nice of him to say considering I forfeited his Robot quilt to make my own!  HAHA.  Well, he doesn't have to have surgery and I do, so I need a nice beautiful quilt to keep me warm and happy after surgery. Then when I am better, I will finish his robot quilt...maybe in time for next Christmas. ;) 

So, IKEA is awesome...yes, we ALL know this.  So awesome that I found something to make a 'design wall' of sorts for my quilts.  Check this bad boy out:

Wire with little clippies to hold my quilt blocks....

AND - it hold up my quilt top work-in-progress!  It's much better than my original twine and push-pins!  ;)  I'm thinking of getting a few more to make rows on top.  Not sure tho.
Anyway-Happy Tuesday! 


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Starch Review

I must retract my statement about making your own starch.  Don't do it.  It's a bad really - it leaves spots on your beautiful fabric.  I'm sure the spots will come out in the wash, but I am a little OCD and like my fabric to stay pretty while I am sewing - it makes me happy.  Save your corn starch and just fork out the dough to go buy you some starch.  Julie says you can get a big old gallon of the stuff at Walmart for like $2.97, rather than the $8.99 I fork out for the boutique kind. ;)   So this week at sewing circle, I ended up dumping out my homemade starch (it leaves spots on your beautiful fabric) and gave Julie's Walmart brand a whirl. 

Here's my review on this situation:
Cheap starch - you can use less of it, mix it with water and it does just as good.
Fancy starch  - smells better

Cheap starch - will probably last Julie until the Zombie Apocalypse (for those of you that don't know, that is a long time - plus you can probably use the starch to spray at the Zombie's in case of an emergency)
Fancy starch - one bottle lasts me one quilt in the making

Cheap starch - sold
Fancy starch - sorry...saving my money for pretty fabric

I hope this helps you in the debate of buying starch.


Oh Ruby

I know...I said it before, but I LOVE this fabric line.  So much, I may do another quilt with it.  It's coming together very nicely.

Last weekend was SO hectic, so this weekend I am kicking back, taking it easy and just sewing.  Here's what I've accomplished so far:

I've mastered 'Chain Piecing'.  This coming from me, who once scoffed at chain yah-it does actually save a lot of time. Der.

So, I thought I'd share my newest favorite sewing item.  My friend Julie gave me this AWESOME owl pin cushion with a scrap basket AND pockets for scissors.  O.M.G.  Yes-this IS the cutest fabric IN the world, yes it's got RED, my favorite color, and YES - Julie IS the smartest gal I know.  Heart you Julie!!
I have used this non-stop and it's pretty much the best thing ever. ♥
(Please disregard my slipper in the background) ;)

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm sorry, how did I NOT know about this line of fabric?  This is almost wait.  It IS!   If you know me, I love Owls.  LOVE LOVE LOVE them.  I collect owls and wish I could have a pet owl but apparently it's illegal as they are birds of prey.  Whatever.

Isn't this too cute?

It also came in gray:



The possibilites of what you could do with this is endless.  I did find a website that has ordered a new shipment.  They are kind enough to alert me when it is available.  I must have this.  ;)

Hoot Hoot.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I am in LOVE with this fabric.  I've coveted it for that Christmas is over and my quilts for other people are done, I ordered it and started making my very own quilt. :)

I'm just doing a basic block, not sure the exact name of it.  I ordered a charm pack and a jelly pack - I'm all about not having to cut fabric!  It's so much easier.

Here is a picture of some that I cracked out while Robot Husband watched Hockey.  I've diagnosed him with what I lovingly refer to as 'Sports Tourettes'.  He will shout out random things, then continue to have conversations with no one in particular.  Most times he will scare the Bejeezus out of me because he'll be super quiet, then start shouting one liners.  Anyway-these beauties were made during that fiasco.

While I was sewing, the kiddies were playing so cute with their Littlest Pet Shops (LPS).  Ryleigh made me take a picture of Wolfie and whatever the dogs name is....they are ever so gently holding the fabric for this picture.

There was quite the drama on the LPS scene.   Miss Kitty Catswell was trying to get Wolfie to fall in love with her by playing a lot of well played games of mistaken identity, pleading, theft, then it just got darn right nasty as she tried to force herself upon poor Wolfie.  Wolf and Cats shouldn't mix anyway.  Right?

Ahhhh.  Aren't they pretty?  I am loving the turquoise, reds, and grays that this pack comes with.  Can't wait to work on some more. :)


Christmas Quilts!

I am so happy to report that my Mom and Step-dad LOVED their quilts.  It was a touch and go on the Little Rascals quilt.  It ALMOST ended up becoming a dog blanket.  There was a major tragedy that ensued...I shall post more about this later, but I HAD this belief that I do not believe in pre-washing my fabrics.  Well, this has slightly changed to - IF you buy your fabric from JoAnn's, AND it's red...go ahead and throw it in the washer before you bind your beloved quilt with it.  True story.  I washed it, pulled it out of the washing machine and there was red smears all over the beautiful white sashing.
Unfortunately I did not take any before and after pictures as I was running to Harmon's to fetch some Rid and color shout catchers, while I was sick no I was uber upset.  Needless to say, the Rid color remover works WONDERS if this does ever happen to you.  However, it does take the color out of the rest of the fabric.  The Little Rascals quilt turned out looking vintage-y, which made it all the more cool to go along with the theme of it I guess.  I'm just glad it didn't end up going to the dogs!

Here are some pictures of my Step-dad opening up his blanket...

 He loved it. :)
In fact, he loved it so much, he took a snooze with it. :)  How cute.

My mom's blanket was a big surprise.  She knew all about my Step-dads, and the tragedy, but she had NO idea I was making her one too.  Best surprise ever!

I am so happy they love their quilts.  I couldn't ask for a better Christmas. 

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year as well!