
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Flickr Nonsense

Uh, I have no idea what I'm doing.  I registered an account for Flickr and added 3 pictures.  Woah, that's a lot I know.  Anyway-I joined the Modern Quilt Group and submitted my favorites (2 out of 3 - haha).  There's a disclaimer on the group that they may or may not accept your pictures into the group.  WELL!
I feel slightly snubbed.  I don't know if mine have been accepted or not, but since the 'idea' of the group is to be ultra modern and fresh and funky, my guess is my sweet little 9 patch quilt may not make the cut.
I feel like I'm auditioning for American Idol and everyone will know I wasn't passed on to round 1!  Egads.  What have I done?

Sigh....Oh well.

Lola says to suck it up and move on.  Perhaps even start my own funky fresh quilt group.  Humpfh.  Perhaps I will do that.  I don't do well with rejection.  Thanks Lola! 
Here she is being very thoughtful and intent in listening.  Such a good bunny.

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