
Thursday, January 5, 2012


I am in LOVE with this fabric.  I've coveted it for that Christmas is over and my quilts for other people are done, I ordered it and started making my very own quilt. :)

I'm just doing a basic block, not sure the exact name of it.  I ordered a charm pack and a jelly pack - I'm all about not having to cut fabric!  It's so much easier.

Here is a picture of some that I cracked out while Robot Husband watched Hockey.  I've diagnosed him with what I lovingly refer to as 'Sports Tourettes'.  He will shout out random things, then continue to have conversations with no one in particular.  Most times he will scare the Bejeezus out of me because he'll be super quiet, then start shouting one liners.  Anyway-these beauties were made during that fiasco.

While I was sewing, the kiddies were playing so cute with their Littlest Pet Shops (LPS).  Ryleigh made me take a picture of Wolfie and whatever the dogs name is....they are ever so gently holding the fabric for this picture.

There was quite the drama on the LPS scene.   Miss Kitty Catswell was trying to get Wolfie to fall in love with her by playing a lot of well played games of mistaken identity, pleading, theft, then it just got darn right nasty as she tried to force herself upon poor Wolfie.  Wolf and Cats shouldn't mix anyway.  Right?

Ahhhh.  Aren't they pretty?  I am loving the turquoise, reds, and grays that this pack comes with.  Can't wait to work on some more. :)


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