
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pinterest and other random musings

Eeeek!!  I posted my very first picture of my very own onto Pinterest!  I'm actually really nervous!!  How silly.  :)

I got a LOT accomplished yesterday.  My Ruby quilt is turning out beautifully.  Robot Husband even said it's my best quilt yet and it's his favorite.  Awww.  Love him!  That is really nice of him to say considering I forfeited his Robot quilt to make my own!  HAHA.  Well, he doesn't have to have surgery and I do, so I need a nice beautiful quilt to keep me warm and happy after surgery. Then when I am better, I will finish his robot quilt...maybe in time for next Christmas. ;) 

So, IKEA is awesome...yes, we ALL know this.  So awesome that I found something to make a 'design wall' of sorts for my quilts.  Check this bad boy out:

Wire with little clippies to hold my quilt blocks....

AND - it hold up my quilt top work-in-progress!  It's much better than my original twine and push-pins!  ;)  I'm thinking of getting a few more to make rows on top.  Not sure tho.
Anyway-Happy Tuesday! 


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