
Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend sewing and Blogger Blog Hop Week 6

Baby Jane Churn Dash
Yesterday I locked myself in my new sewing room and sewed all day.  It was glorious.  I put on Downton Abbey and had a wonderful time.  I am now all caught up on Season 3 of DA.  Sigh.  I ♥ it...and Mr. Bates.  I ♥ him too.

I sewed sporadically, moving from project to project.  I couldn't decide what I wanted to spend my time/day on.  So I did a bunch of things.  I started with some Churn Dash first ever!  They are so fun and addicting!  I used this tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Co.  If you haven't ever tried a churn dash, this tutorial and technique is SO easy.

Crayon Wallets
I also made some more crayon wallets.  Since the move and not doing them for a while, I sort of lost my rhythm on how I make these.  So it took me a bit to get it together.  I also decided I needed a bigger size pocket for the notebook because the crayons made little teensy crayon marks on the crisp white paper and it was bothering me to no end.  So I changed it up a bit.

Enter in the new and improved Crayon wallet!  Yay!  Laminated of course. ;)

Here is a sneak peek at the new sewing space if you are interested. 

My sewing heaven ♥

Out my window, there is a pasture with horses and a little river going through the ravine in our backyard.  It's so peaceful and pretty to look at when I am ironing. :)

The Depot sign is from my Grandparents farm.  It is being sold and there are tons of old barns and stuff to go hunting in before they tear everything down.  It's very sad and breaks my heart, but it has to be done.  I could spend hours and hours there.  I found an old mason jar (by the Depot sign) and another tiny jar.  We   I need to find something pretty to put in them.  I took the sign home and cleaned it off and I put a light coat of clear lacquer on to protect it.  My aunt said that there used to be a bus stop right by the farm that they would deliver goods to back in the days.

I had also been hunting for MONTHS for an old antique ladder to hang my quilts on.  I had asked my aunt if she could be on the lookout for one.  She emailed me not even two days later and said she had found one!  I was SO excited.  She said it was gross and probably not what I wanted but I was welcome to check it out.  So we went out there one Friday afternoon and the moment I saw it, I lost my mind!  It was exactly what I had been looking for, exactly what I envisioned, and not only that, it was a piece of my heritage, a piece of my Grandparents that I could have forever...mixed with my love of quilts!   My aunt was so funny, she just kept asking-are you sure??  YES!  I am sure!  I ♥ my quilt ladder to NO end.   I promise to get a post on the quilt ladder later, when I find the perfect place for it and get it all up and displayed.

Anyway - can you believe we are now on Week 6 of the Blogger Blog Hop?  Time flies!
Take a look at these blogs and get acquainted!  There are some lovely projects and photos!

Week 6
Anne @ PlayCrafts
Cath @ Wombat Quilts


  1. I so love the baby jane Churn Dash! That is what i am planning for Baby jane if I ever get to order any! I love your sewing space and love love that you got the ladder! Can't wait to see it!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  2. your sewing space looks great! and I love the blue background on the churn dash. Adorable!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. the churn dash blocks are wonderful - you're right, I must try them! jealous of the sewing room organization - another must do inspired by you!

  4. I love that pale blue in the churn dash blocks, and your sewing space is lovely! Can't wait to see the quilt ladder! :-)

  5. Wah.. that farm story made me teary-eyed. Seriously! It would break my heart too. I'd want to go and salvage everything I possibly could. That ladder sounds absolutely fantastic. Love the finds you saved.

    Oh - I like the churn dash blocks too! I'm sooo excited for Downton Abbey to come back. I watched all 3 seasons in just a few days on Netflix. Oopsy.

  6. I love my project ADD days the best of all :) I was seriously screaming at the TV during the last episode of season 3 :(

  7. The background you used for the churndash is really pretty. love your workspace too.


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