
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I finished my Ginorma-Star quilt.  This is big.  I used Jeni's tutorial for the Giant Vintage Star.  It is GIANT.  My poor machine.  Robot Daughter #1 said we should do straight line quilting across.  I agreed with her suggestion, so I did it.  Oh, poor Penelope McStitchy had a fit.  This is probably the biggest quilt to date I've done on her, so her little tiny throat space was not happy.  Nor was I.  Thus, you can tell from the straight line quilting that it is beyond perfect.  There was a lot of pulling and pushing and cussing.  But, that's OK, the door was shut to protect little ears. ;)


See the imperfections?  Never mind...don't look to close. ;)

Gratuitous Rolled Quilt shot
Even though it was a bear to quilt, it was a fun quilt to make.  The giant size blocks are a delight to make and put together.  If you haven't made one, I highly suggest you do!  Instant gratification - it's super fast to put together!

I got accepted to have a booth at our local city days on August 3rd.  I've been busy making crayon wallets for it.  I have got it down to being able to make 2 a night.'s the laminating that takes the longest, but I've got it down to a science, using assembly line techniques.  ;) 

Have a good week!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose straight lines pull at each other!

    It always seems worse when you're in the process and then once it's been washed and used a while it disappears.

    I love it!

  2. Beautiful quilt! You can't see any imperfections from where I'm sitting.

  3. Lovely finish! I've been having this problem with straight line quilting too. Anyway it's really not noticeable at all from the front of the quilt. It looks great!

  4. Love it! I really do want to make one of these... Maybe that should be next on my list :)

  5. imperfections make it special! It looks great!

  6. I think it looks great. I haven't quilted my Giant Star yet, it intimidates me. That's kinda one reason I did quilt as you go on the Giant Churn Dash I made. I am really tempted to take my star apart and QAYG. haven't talked myself into it yet. lol
    Good luck at the City days market.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  7. Show prep is so stressful isn't it! I hope you sell out in the last 30 minutes :)

    Your giant star looks great! I'll have to keep that one in mind when I'm looking for a quick finish.

  8. Beautiful quilt. Even when you mention the imperfections, you can't find them. Unless it is a competition quilt or a commissioned quilt, I wouldn't worry about it when it is just a little off.

  9. Gorgeous quilt. I love the idea and have seen a few of these lately. I really like your colors and your quilting. Great job. Thanks for sharing.


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