
About me

Why Robot Mom?

My husband 'lovingly' refers to me as a Robot.  I like to think this is because I am so awesome at everything I do. ;)  Probably because of a little bit of OCD too.  Anyway-we love Robots at my house so the name fit.

I have two girls, a Pug named Mimi and a Great Dane named Bella.  Oh, and the above mentioned husband.  ♥

I love sewing.  I love fabric shops. I love stalking other people that have the same passion. ;)  I taught myself how to quilt, after years of wanting to learn.  The Internet is a glorious tool for learning something new...bring on tutorials, numerous blogs that I now follow religiously and You-Tube, and you've got yourself a new hobby.

10 Random Facts:
1. I love pink. And turquoise. And red.  And all three of those together. :)
2. I typically watch old black and white movies whilst I sew.  I'm a sucker for old movies.  My TV is set to TCM in my sewing room.  It rarely moves from that channel.
3. Oh and sci-fi. If it's got aliens in it, I'm all over it.
4.  Downton Abbey anyone?  Nuff said.
5. I'm an only child.  My husband comes from a family of 5 kids. This makes for interesting family gatherings.
6.  I don't like to share.  Refer to #4.  I'm working on it.
7. We are obsessed with our pug, who belongs to Robot Child #1.  If you follow me on Instagram, you are aware of this.
8.  I love me some technology.  I'm a Robot - it comes with the territory.
9.  I usually read from the YA section.  A LOT from the  YA section.
10. When I was little I wanted to be an archeologist, like Indiana Jones.  Sadly, this did not happen.  But I still love Indiana and so do my girls.  I'm trying to convince one of them to be an archeologist.  ;)

Thank you for stopping by!  I hope you find something of inspiration.  I love comments and friends to inspire me as well!  Follow me and let's be friends!


  1. Lovely to read more about you. I think we have similar tastes in fabric and quilt styles, and I think I am a bit OCD too, funny!!

  2. I need your suggestion. I ordered Downton Abbby fabric to make a simple quilt for a friend who, like me, loves the show. I have been sewing for 30 plus years but only quilting for about 5 and just very simple patterns. Do you have any suggestions for a quilt pattern I could use for the Downton Abby fabric? Looking forward to your bird quilt pattern.


    1. Hi Kathy! You are a no-reply blogger so I'm hoping to put my comments here and you will find them! I LOVE Dowton - I would suggest using a pattern that allows you to showcase the prints, rather than cutting them up. Either rectangles, or even a simple patchwork! I've noticed people seem to be drawn to simple patchworks designs. And, not to toot my own horn, but my pattern would be good for that too - I designed it to showcase fabrics that you can't bear to cut up. :) Send me an email and we can chat more!


I ♥ comments! I reply via email, not in the blog post. If you are looking for a response to anything, let me know! Thank you for stopping by!