
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stash Busting Blog Hop!

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Hi friends!
I haven't blogged since December! Oooooh holy slackerness.  Well, I'm on IG a lot. Instagram has taken over blogging. It's sad.  BUT, I am SUPER beyond excited to be part of this blog hop with Retro Mama!  It's so exciting!  Have you seen her new book?  It has SO many fun projects, I want to do all of them!
retro mama scrap happy sewing

I will be making a few projects to share.  Here is the lineup. Check out all the awesome peeps involved!


Thu 2nd  - Retro Mama
Fri 3rd  - SCC
Wed 8th  - S.O.T.A.K Handmade
Thu 9th  - Fabricworm
Fri 10th  - Clover & Violet
Mon 13th  - Robot Mom Sews
Tue 14th  - Vivid Felicity
Wed 15th  - Cut To Pieces
Thu 16th  - Straight Grain
Fri 17th  - Sew Take A Hike
Mon 20th  - Vintage Grey
Tue 21st  - Miss Print
Wed 22nd  - Pink Penguin
Thu 23rd  - Sew Creative Blog
Fri 24th  - Follow the White Bunny
Mon 27th  - A Bright Corner
Tue 28th  - Sew Justine Sew
Wed 29th  - LRstitched

I hope you join me and all the others for this super fun blog hop!  See you there!


  1. Ooooh! Yay! Whatever are you going to make? I really like Retro Mama's patterns, I actually found her online before I started quilting and her Stella and Stewart owls were the first things I ever sewed (well, actually like 8 of them haha!). Looking forward to what you make!


I ♥ comments! I reply via email, not in the blog post. If you are looking for a response to anything, let me know! Thank you for stopping by!