
Thursday, May 1, 2014

I'm still here!!

I'm not exactly sure what happened, but it's been crazy busy here and the weather changes have thrown my migraines into fits!  Not fun.  BUT, I have been sneaking time to sew with this new baby.

 ♥ HER!!!  Lets see, a thread cutter?  Yes please.  Tell me when my bobbin is running out with a sad face on the screen?  YES please!  Automatic bobbin winder?  Oh stop. Really?  YES!

I still need to take a class to learn everything she can do, but so far, I have been having LOTS of fun.

I have a lot of projects going on together.  It's a wee bit ridiculous at this point.

Piggy quilt for youngest Robot Child.  She LOVES piggies.  She's obsessed.  It's weird but it's adorable.
So, I'm making her a quilt of piggies.  She doesn't know.  At first I was like, how am I going to make this for her, she is ALWAYS in my sewing room with me.  Needless to say, these are hanging on the wall and she said, 'Oh my goodness!  Piggy fabric??'  Yup.  And that was it.  She didn't even ask who it was for.  Haha.

And this embarrassing stack is what I need to finish.   #keepingitreal ;)
1. Uber large chevron blocks
2. Heartthrob quilt for the Library Quilt Along
3. Triangle quilt is under there somewhere
4. Block quilt is ready for binding (not pictured)

Oh, and I'm designing a new pattern.  Math stumps me on a daily basis so this has been lots of fun figuring out. (insert lots of sarcasm)

AND, my quilt should be in the next issue of Quilty coming out soon!!  I'm so excited!!  Look for me in there won't you?  ♥

Have a great weekend all!


  1. OMG!She is sooooo superrrrr pretty! I can see why you would be in love. Look at all that throat space - I imagine many fun times with your new baby. Ps. Hope the migraines have disappeared. I get them too, so totally feel for you xx.

  2. Oh I love Quilty! I WILL look for you - so exciting! Congrats!

    1. Thank you Lauren!! I am so excited for sure!!

  3. I completely misread your first sentence, and briefly wondered how I missed that you had a new baby, lol! This sewing machine baby sounds lovely, and much better than one that requires midnight feedings and diaper changes!

  4. Wow you've a lot going on at the moment, what a lucky Robot child you have! And congratulations on being in Quilty! I love that magazine but it's hard to get where I live :-( Enjoy your machine too, it's the best feeling isn't it, having a wonderful new machine to get to know and love.

  5. You are lucky. Every time my girls see a new quilt in the works they ask who it is for LOL


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