
Monday, March 31, 2014

Drumroll please...

Yay!  I did it.  I've published my very first pattern!   It's's ready.  Lets go!

I had two lovely ladies help do the pattern testing.  I got their feedback which I GREATLY appreciated.  I made some changes, did some tweaking, and now - it is available!

Do you all remember this quilt?  The one I made for my sister-in-law, who gave me 'the great inquisition' when I asked to take it and do photo shoots?  Yah, that one. ;)  She's fussy, but I am glad she loves her quilt. Warms my Robot Heart. ♥
Colonnade Pattern

So pretty - I just want to pet it..only it doesn't belong to me anymore.  Sigh.

I've made 3 of these so far.  They are SUPER easy - so easy, this RobotMom can whip one up in a Saturday afternoon.  And so can you!  Come on, make one with me won't you?

For the month of April, the pattern is up in my shop for 20% off.  Get it whilst it's hot my friends. ;)
Expires 4/30/14

The pattern is also on Craftsy too - for all you Craftsy guys and gals. ♥

If you make one, please share pics of your quilt!!
Instagram - tag me!  @robotmomsews
Flickr Group: Friends of RobotMom
Or plan ole' email works great too. :)

I will share pictures of my pattern testers quilts as soon as I get them.

Thank you all for your continued support!
Robot Hugs for everyone! ♥♥♥


  1. Ooooooh YAY!!! So exciting! Congratulations on your first - of many I am sure. It is such a beautiful pattern.

  2. Oh, your pictures look so good! I got my binding all finished up so hopefully we'll have good picture taking weather this week.

  3. Please take these congrates from me for a job well done. It takes a lot of work and you did it. Happy for you.
    No you don't know me. I life on Vancouver Island in a place called Nanaimo. Quilters every where would wish you well.

  4. Wow the pattern is gorgeous and I love those fabrics! Congratulations on your first pattern!!

  5. Congratulations! I'm currently working on a quilt that looks very similar to this. Only, I can't seem to get it done period let alone on a weekend! Many congrats on your first pattern. :)

  6. Looks great!! I'm hoping to get mine quilted soon so you can share it!

  7. Very pretty, love how it turned out:) Congrats on your first pattern, yay!!

  8. Congratulations!! Very exciting!


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