
Monday, October 14, 2013

Feeling Accomplished

Yesterday I whipped up these paper dolls (Fabric Dolls as Robot Child #1 insists upon calling them).   Honestly friends, it wasn't difficult.  Probably the easiest thing I've ever made.  NO sewing required!  These come as a fabric print, by Windham fabrics, the Cowboy collection.  A lot of cutting and ironing, but pretty easy!

You iron the dolls and the horses onto that thick Pellon stuff, that's bumpy.  Iron both sides, stick another piece of fabric on the back to sandwich them.  This makes them sturdy.


Daisy Meadows and her pony Charlotte
Then, take the clothes and painstakingly patiently cut them out, iron them onto double sided fusing paper of your choice and then stick on some flannel on the backside.
I cut the tags off because they honestly didn't make sense to me.  Once ironed and 'flannelized' (made up my own word there), they don't fold over and just look dumb sticking up.  The flannel sticks them to the dolls anyway-so what's the point?
I did learn a few things along the way on these that helped in making them.  If anyone is interested in making these and you'd like a tutorial, let me know!

Voila!  You have a happy little set of Cowgirls and boys and their ponies, ready to take over the Wild West!
My girls have played with them all day today.  It was very fun listening to the drama that ensued in the Western desert.   There was a lot of  'Hoe Downs' and wardrobe changes. ;)

Pretty in Patchwork
Up next, I finished binding this quilt last week and finally popped it in to the wash for that lovely vintage crinkly quilty feel I covet.

Quilt on a Staircase anyone?

How was your weekend?
Linking up to:
Quilt Story


  1. Vintage cowboy and girl dress up dolls?!!! Yes, please! Soooo cute.

  2. These are ADORABLE! I have to make some for me! I have always loved Paper Dolls and have some vintage ones. Now I can make my own. Too too cute.
    xo jan

  3. Cuteness! Love it all! Cute little fabric dress up dolls ;)

  4. Cuteness! Love it all! Cute little fabric dress up dolls ;)

  5. Oh wow what gorgeous quilts! I especially love the flowery one, and that's a gorgeous shot of it on the stairs!!

  6. Great quilts, and I love your label :)

  7. Great idea the "paper" dolls! Have to try it too. If you have any extra tips, I'm very interested. Thanks


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