
Monday, September 23, 2013

Yay for 100!

My dear friends!!  I have reached 100 followers on Bloglovin!  I am so excited and thrilled and grateful!
Thank you all for sharing in my creations!  ♥♥♥  I love the internet bond us quilters and sewers have.

Let's have a giveaway in celebration, shall we?!?!

Now, I have some knit fabric I bought in hopes to do some of those cute adorable retro headbands.  Well, knit fabric hates me more than minky.  Altho, minky and I are starting to bridge our friendship.


So, for the giveaway, I have two knit fabrics - brand new.  I am sure you talented people out there can do something amazing with this knit fabric.  Me, not so much...never.. again. 

The black chevron print is about 32 x 64-ish.
The polka-dot tan one is about 1/4 of a yard.
And TWO mini charms of Happy Go Lucky!
There might be some other little surprises in there too. ;)

I will use Mr. Random to help pick the lucky winner.  If you'd like to join in, please leave me a comment of what your favorite TV series is, that you cannot possibly miss an episode of.  Also, to enter you must be a bloglovin follower of my blog.  If you aren't one yet, why not join?  :)

I was lucky enough to meet Heather from Quilt Story a while back.  We've hung out and sewed a few times and she is SO much fun!  She is a creative genius folks.  I've loved hanging out with her...I call her my 'sew-lebrity' friend.  I was giddy like a school girl when I got to first meet first blog I ever followed was Quilt Story, so in my book, her and her sister Megan are famous.   Anyway,  she got me hooked on Breaking Bad.   I've never watched it.  :( I know...I am weird right?  I watch TV like a little old lady - I love TCM and I LOVE black and white movies.  So, if you come to my sewing room, the TV is always set on TCM.  Oh, and my guilty pleasure is the Real Housewives.  UGH...please don't tell anyone. ;)  

Oh and BTW, a shameless plug for moi....Check out Quilt Story today!  My Ginorma-Churn was featured! Yay!  And if you aren't following Quilt Story, you should.  Lots of inspiration, gorgeous quilts and other projects...and they often feature bloggers, like you!  Plus, Fabric Tuesday is always a great linky party.

***Giveaway is open through Friday, Sept 27th**

Good luck friends!!  Thanks for following!  Muwah - air kisses for all!  ♥


  1. Lucky number 1?! I don't really watch much TV but I did enjoy SYTYCD this year. I do watch a little Canadian show called Heartland. It is a sweet show that Miss L likes to watch with me because it is about horses!

  2. I've been enjoying your blog! Congratulations on reaching 100 followers! thriftstorecrafter at yahoo dot com

  3. Mad Men is my favorite of all time, especially the first few seasons. I've watched them all once a year for the last several years.

    Congrats on 100 and here's to a 100 more!

  4. Cheers to 100!! My fave show is Mad Men and I'm devastated it only has one more season. Loving your blog! I am terrified and intrigued by knit

  5. Congrats!! I can't live without dr. Who :) and I actually follow via Feedly, not bloglovin. Well, maybe bloglovin. A lot of my blogs are in both places, but I pretty much never use bloglovin!

  6. I LOVE Big Bang Theory. There are others that I will catch up on or watch if there is time but BBT is something I always make time for. Congrats on 100

  7. I like Duck Dynasty; those guys are funny, but the show that I watch every episode of is a Spanish language soap opera called Porque El Amor Manda. My husband got me hooked on it and now we watch it together. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the milestone!!

  8. Oddly enough, The Walking Dead is my favorite TV show. And I make very sweet quilts.

  9. Just found your blog through Quilt Story but I love it! Congrats on reaching 100.

  10. hooray for 100!! I adore Once Upon a Time and Grimm. I have a thing for fairytales :)

  11. Congrats!! sure there are much more followers to come! I'm following you through blogger instead of bloglovin! Breaking bad wins for me! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  12. Congrats! I have way too many! Breaking Bad, Big Bang Therory, Revenge, Grimm, Pretty Little Liars, and Game of Thrones

  13. West Wing, without a doubt! Although, I only discovered it about four years ago so didn't have to put up with waiting a week for the next episode, I just devoured them all. It takes 4.2 days of your life to do that...

    Congratulations on hitting 100!

  14. Congratulations on 100 followers!! I do not watch much television, my work schedule has me working odd hours. Mostly audio books.

  15. My hubby & I recently started watching Duck Dynasty-so funny-and I am looking forward to some new shows this fall, tired of most of the shows we watch, I am more of a movie gal-you get the whole story in ine sitting!

  16. Yay for 100 followers!! I found you through the Quilt Story blog, love them! How fun that you are being featured. I love Revenge, and it's starting back up this next Sunday, such a good one! I also am addicted to Real Housewives, but just don't always admit it ;)

  17. We now have two kids under two years old so I don't really get a show that I love. I do enjoy catching reruns of NCIS during nap time though! Congrats on your 100! So happy for you!

  18. Right now I'm watching Doctor Who on Netflix, and just finished Grey's Anatomy and Once Upon A Time. I don't watch any network TV, I got rid of my cable years ago (mostly due to shows like your Real Housewives, LOL) .

  19. We love The Big Bang Theory. Otherwise, I don't watch much unless a movie is on. I hate soaps and court shows!! Congrats on 100 :) I've been following since the blog hop over the summer.

  20. Congrats on 100!! I love Nashville and parenthood, looking forward to the new seasons:)

  21. Congratulations and thanks for the fab giveaway. I love TV. I love Breaking Bad (I live in Albuquerque, so we are kinda required to watch it) and Big Bang Theory - also Project Runway.

  22. Congratulations! I'm a Bloglovin' follower too! At the moment I'm watching Pimpa cartoons, a lot!!!

  23. I love Once Upon a Time - new seasons starts soon!! WOOHOO!!

  24. Congratulations!
    Downton Abbey for me!

  25. Congratulations!
    Downton Abbey for me!

  26. Congratulations on reaching 100! The Killing and The Bridge plus Homeland are/were my favs. Those mini charms are too cute!


I ♥ comments! I reply via email, not in the blog post. If you are looking for a response to anything, let me know! Thank you for stopping by!