
Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Musings

Vintage Quilt Top
I was lucky enough to receive a quilt top that had been started by my Great-Great Aunt.  I am so ecstatic to have gotten this and honored!  There are soooo many little squares lovingly pieced together.  The fabrics are so fun and retro - it's an I-Spy quilt for sure!  We've spent many hours looking at it and finding all sorts of fun things, little squirrels, cowboys, horses, bicycles, Japanese fans, all sorts of things.  There are some squares that need repairing.  I will have to go over this with a fine tooth comb for sure, and identify any areas that need fixing, then I will put this together.  I'm a little nervous tho.  Has anyone ever 'renovated' an old quilt?  Any tips?

In other randomness - I cannot follow patterns.  I've thrown the patterns out the window.  For some reason, I'm a sheer idiot when it comes to reading and/or following directions.  (My husband can attest to this. Ha!)  I can look at a quilt block and figure it out, but if I have to read, and follow measurements and then try to cut them AND put them together in the specific order said, and not in the order I want too ....Forget about it.  Does anyone else suffer from this?  :(  Please say yes. I don't want to battle this disease by myself.  Just's not a disease...well, probably not anyway.  I have a quilt kit I purchased, a fairly easy pattern, I'm sure my 9 year old could put it together in no time, except I can't.  I messed up on the sizes and then forgot to square up my blocks.  It's tragic...VERY tragic.   Quilting 101 - hello.   For some reason I freak out if a pattern is involved.  So tonight, I will enlist the children to help me unpick.  I'm sure they will think it's a blast. ;) Haha.

Have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. There are patterns to be followed??? Oh my. I did not know this. Hmmm, I guess you aren't the only one!


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