
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little Red

I have 12 of these little hourglass blocks, or Ohio Star blocks as research proved.
I adore this fabric.  It's SO sweet and vintage.  It makes my teeth hurt.  In a good way. :) 

 I'm not sure if I should do sashing, or some mini blocks in between...or patchwork.  Sigh.
Suggestions, please!!

The funnest part was the fussy cutting I did on some of the center blocks.

I threw in some solids here and there too. These are just a few of my favorite blocks. 

Watch out Mr. Wolf.   Red is on to you... 


  1. Cute! I'm working on some stars now much fun to make.

  2. Oh my, these are gorgeous! Sashing and blocks sounds like a plan. Reminds me that I have a little Red Riding project to finish, too. Stopping by from Quilt Story.

  3. Really pretty! Can't wait to see what the finished quilt will look like!
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com


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