
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

So, I am jumping on this Bloglovin bandwagon...we'll see how it goes. I'm always up for something new.    I have a hard time with Google Reader sometimes, going back and forth in and out of my blog...maybe I'm just lame at it.  Who knows.    This even has a cool app for your phone, so when you are stuck somewhere, waiting to pick up kids from school, you can browse through your blogs for a little 'me-time'!  That's what I like to do anyway. Haha!  Add me though if you are on this Bloglovin train! :) Let's be friends!!

I do love technology tho. ;)  So I will leave you with this....

1 comment:

  1. I'm adding you! And you add me too. Okay? I was going to add you the other day so I'm glad you joined bloglovin.


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