
Monday, February 25, 2013

Recreational Chevrons and Organization skills

My good friend Heather asked me to make her a chevron quilt, including her favorite things.  Bicycles and retro campers.
This quilt was so fun to make.  It's no secret that I ♥ chevrons.  She picked out the main novelty prints, and I added in the blue and grey fabrics.

She also wanted a 'foot cozy' with delightfully soft fleece fabric to keep her tootsies warm.
This was my first time doing a 'foot cozy' and I definitely learned how to make it better next time.
We dropped this off to her yesterday and it was a success.
I'm so happy she loved it and SOOO happy she chose me to make this for her! 
I'm beyond honored.

Thanks Heather!!

In other news, I was told my sewing area looked 'like crap'!  Haha!
It is true - it did!
So, Saturday I got some organizational items to clean it up.
Ohhh, how I love owls and Target.  They always have cute owl stuff.
I got this cute owl binder to house all my patterns, that had been laying in a big unfortunate messy pile.

Got some page protectors and Voila!  Now if I'm looking for a pattern, I can find it.
Wow - organization at it's finest. ;)  Amazing.

Of course I had to get the matching magazine holder.
Need a quilting magazine?  I have a shameful amount of them.

My rack of crap.
I found this cute 'Quilting Queen' sign and of course I had to have it.
It sits nicely on my rack of crap. 

Have a lovely week!

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  1. Love those little campers in your zig-zag quilt :)

  2. Gorgeous quilt! I love the colors and the zig zags!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  3. What a pretty quilt~! So bright and cheery looking. Cute Target finds too.

  4. I love the idea of a foot cozy at the bottom of the quilt. It would be great if you told us how you did it.

    1. Thanks KatieQ! There are a few things I would have done different, so I might do a tutorial later when it's perfected. Stay tuned!!

  5. Loving the chevrons! Fabulous colours!

  6. Just beautiful! I ,too, would love to know how you did the foot cozy at the bottom!

    1. Thank you Jeni B! I have a few things I would like to perfect with the foot cozy. I'll work on it and will perhaps do a tutorial. Stay tuned!

  7. Your chevron quilt is beautiful, love the colors! And your organization stuff looks fun, too - my area is in desperate need of a revamp, but it's going to take a trip to IKEA for me!

    Whoop whoop!!

    1. Thank you!!! IKEA is a good plan! I will be joining you on that one! ;)


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