
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Out To Sea - Baby quilt for Ivy

Out To Sea by Sarah Jane is my all time favorite fabric.  So when I heard that a friend of mine from work, had her first grand baby born severely premature, I knew I wanted to make a quilt for her with this fabric.  She is in Florida and her daddy works out in the ocean perfect fabric right?

It is extremely hard to get decent pictures in cloudy gloomy overcast weather.
So, please forgive my sub par photos.

Dancing Mermaids

I cut out the map print panel, and framed it.  I love the maps!  And the mermaids, and the narwhals...oh, all of it!

This mermaid framing the top, is my favorite.
And of course the good old stripe-y binding to finish it off!
Pirate stripes no less!

Next, I'm starting on a Christmas quilt for my living room.  A little late in the game, but better late than never!
I had big ambitions to do handmade things again for Christmas this year, but life gets in the way.
Maybe next year. :)

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday

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