
Thursday, December 13, 2012


Ombre knitting

So, I took up knitting.  I'm by NO means a pro, and I wouldn't dare call myself such.  I am enjoying knitting though.  I love being able to sit and do something with my hands, anywhere.  I can't necessarily take my sewing machine with me everywhere I go, altho I would LOVE too, it's just not practical. HAHA.  Knitting is very portable!  I love it.  It's soothing and relaxing.  This will be a headband/earwarmer for my oldest, who (sniff) just turned 9 on Monday.  I can't believe I have a 9 year old.  Where does the time go?

Christmas Quilt!

I finished my Christmas quilt.  It sits proudly on the couch, by the Christmas tree.  I'm happy with it.  It turned out smaller than I would have liked, but it will only be out for a month, so does it really matter?  Nah.  I actually am ahead of the game this year, shopping wise.  I usually like to wait until the last minute, in a mad dash (thrill?) to get it all done.  Nope, not this year.  We've actually already got presents under the tree!?!?!  What??  I know, it's amazing.  And wonderful.  I need less stress this year.

Happy sewing, knitting, crafting, whatever!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Out To Sea - Baby quilt for Ivy

Out To Sea by Sarah Jane is my all time favorite fabric.  So when I heard that a friend of mine from work, had her first grand baby born severely premature, I knew I wanted to make a quilt for her with this fabric.  She is in Florida and her daddy works out in the ocean perfect fabric right?

It is extremely hard to get decent pictures in cloudy gloomy overcast weather.
So, please forgive my sub par photos.

Dancing Mermaids

I cut out the map print panel, and framed it.  I love the maps!  And the mermaids, and the narwhals...oh, all of it!

This mermaid framing the top, is my favorite.
And of course the good old stripe-y binding to finish it off!
Pirate stripes no less!

Next, I'm starting on a Christmas quilt for my living room.  A little late in the game, but better late than never!
I had big ambitions to do handmade things again for Christmas this year, but life gets in the way.
Maybe next year. :)

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday

Toy Story

I was asked by a friend of mine to make a Toy Story quilt for her daughter's baby, coming soon!
(Sorry for the indoor photos, it was snowing when I took these)

I found this cute blue soft cotton flannel for the back.

I did big blocks of the character print, then blue and green small blocks to offset and add some color.

Of course, a polka-dot binding to finish it off. :)
She loved how it turned out!  I'm so glad. I hope mom and baby love it too!!