
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Foxy Curves

I've been working on finishing a bunch of UFO's.
I finally finished the Crazy Curves quilt!

My oldest Robot Daughter claimed this for her own, so I let her pick out what fabric she wanted for the back.  Of course, who wouldn't pick the cute little hedgehogs?  :)
I used the foliage print for the binding.

I had no idea how to quilt this. I didn't want to disrupt the circles, so I went around them in a block border, then on the borders surrounding the quilt, I did a stipple. 
This quilt is definately not my most cherished of all things I've accomplished, but Robot Daughter #1 loves it to pieces and that is ALL that matters to me. :)

Next up:  Robot quilt to finish (Yes!  An actual Robot quilt!)
Started a special quilt:  Stay tuned!


  1. I love this design and the the fabric you chose! It's a gorgeous quilt!

  2. Love this! I've got this line in the works right now. Yours turned out great!


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