
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Twisters

The Twisters are completed!!  Now I just need to finish up this top.  These are seriously SO much fun. And unbelievably EASY.  In fact, at one point I messed up my whole table that I had them all neatly placed in their respective orders, only to come in and start quilting the baby whale quilt, which of course scattered them all over the floor!  LOL!  Duh...but, needless to say, what began to be sheer panic, resulted in, Oh, this isn't that hard to figure out.  SIGH.  I do love these.  They turn out really cute and cleanly lined up. 
I'm linking this to Quilt Stories Fabric Tuesday
LOVE FABRIC and Tuesday's!  Mainly because it's not Monday, and well, that's all.


  1. Very cute! (It must have been quite some work to figure this puzzle out after they fell, oh my!) I love tesselating patterns and this one has been on my to do list forever.

  2. beautiful! I'm scared to try a quilt that complicated, you did a great job!

    1. Oh it's not complicated at all!!! It's super easy - you just sew blocks together, then the rest is all in the cutting. You should try it! I promise it's easy. :)
      Thank you!!

  3. they look way cute.
    I want to try this maybe you can show me on the 21st :)

  4. Thanks Chris for following! I will check out your blog. :)


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