
Monday, March 26, 2012

Taffy Pull Quilt - Pics

This quilt has been finished for a while, but I was waiting for some sunshine to take it outside and get some decent pics taken.  So, we took the kids, the quilt and the puppy to the park yesterday.  It was super windy, but I was able to get a few decent pictures.  :)

The back

The front on the grass

Resting on a park bench

This quilt was entirely made from the Ruby line by Moda.  This is one of my all time favorite lines of fabric.  I used a charm pack and a jelly roll, and Kona White for the sashing.  Red dots for the binding and a mish-mash of the same fabric line on the back.  I love this quilt - and it's all mine.  Muwhahaha. :)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It came out way good. Good job grasshopper


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