
Monday, August 26, 2013

Quilty Photo Shoots

Plum and June

The lovely and talented Beth from Plum and June is hosting a photography workshop for all to link up to and learn about weird camera terms like, ISO, apertures and a bunch of numbers.   And/or, if you are an expert, post tips for people like myself!!  I know nada, zip, zilch about photography.  This is my very sad attempt at a photo shoot, with all my favorite quilty items as my subject matter.  That being said, please don't judge me.   Oh, and I have nothing to offer tip-wise, just pictures of my favorite things. ;)

Ehem.  Here we go.

Inside sewing room with natural light
I have a Canon Powershot A3100.   That's about all I know about my camera, besides being able to 'point and click'.  Inside my sewing room, I have a lovely window that brings in just the right amount of sunlight.
Sarah Jane fabrics, of course
I finally got my hands on the robin egg blue Olfa rotary cutter.  LOVE IT.

Yummy selvage

Here is where it gets dicey for me.  I do my best pictures outside.  It's easier for me to take halfway decent pictures being out.  I tried to take different pictures in different rooms, but they didn't pan out so well, so we eliminated those. ;)

Moving outdoors, Petunia and I found better light.

Little Red quilt - just needs the binding done

My outside pictures look better, no?

As a side note, Petunia needed a friend.  I bought a pattern from Melly and Me over the weekend.
I picked Kiki the cat to make for Robot Child #1.  Sigh.  I attempted this last night and it was disastrous. Sewing in those 'paw bases' has me baffled.  Has anyone attempted, or succeeded with this pattern?  Any tips?

I made Petunia a few years ago for my Robot Baby-Child #2.  I have since lost the pattern and realized upon Googling this morning that it, too, was a Melly and Me pattern.  HA!  How funny.  If I could manage Petunia with that skirt and sleeves, I think I can handle this cat.  Darn that cat. ;)

Anyway-this was my sorry attempt at taking photos.  Thanks for sticking with it through the end.  Check out Plum and June's Workshop linky party for better pleasing-to-the-eye photo visuals.  ;)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A big quilt needs a matching pillow!

I'll admit that I have previously been afraid of making pillows, shams, the envelope closure etc.  I have no idea why. Honestly, it is the easiest thing I've ever done and when you stuff a big old pillow in it, it is INSTANT gratification!

So, of course the 'biggest quilt I've ever made', needed a matching pillow case right?  Yes.

I used a pink chevron print for the back, and of course the adorable Lets Pretend panel for the main center of the front.  With matching squares lining it.

I know I've said it a bajillion times, but those marionettes get me EVERY TIME. ♥  SO stinkin cute.

She's all wrapped up and on her way to Oregon!  Safe travels my big lovely quilt!!  ♥

I used this tutorial for the envelope closure, and based my pillow off of Sarah Jane's tutorial here. 
If you haven't made a pillow but have been dying to, this tutorial is the one you need. :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Largest Quilt I've Ever Done!

Custom Sarah Jane Patchwork Quilt

Are you all tired of seeing my Lets Pretend Sarah Jane projects??  Sorry!  But here is yet another one!

I had a client request a twin size quilt for her daughter made out of Sarah Jane fabrics.  I had already been hoarding collecting this line of fabrics for some time, so this was an easy and happy request for me!  She wanted it simple, patchwork and in Lets Pretend.  I got started and the thought of doing a twin size, made me a teensy bit nervous, but I figured it couldn't be all THAT bad...right?  It's only a twin.

Well, it wasn't too bad.  Basting it was an all nighter and as we all hate basting, this was true ten fold.  UGH. After basting it, I had to take a break and calm myself for the quilting portion.  After calming down, I decided to buy some 505.  I've heard so many of you fellow quilters rave about it.  How could it be any different than the basting spray I get from JoAnn's?  Well is.  My spray from JoAnn's does the job, but I still pin the quilts because I'm not too confident that with the moving and thrusting the quilt under the machine, that it will stay basted.  Oh, and there is the clogged nozzle issue that happens EVERY time. This wasn't the case with Mr. 505.  Wow.  Pricey, yes.  Pins needed?  Nope.  You heard me...and this is a LARGE twin size.  After measuring the final dimensions on this quilt, it is on the larger size of even qualifying for a Twin, based on Google results.  Oh well. ;)  I'm sure it will be loved all the same.  So, yes - I will be buying more 505.  I bought a small can and um, used it nearly all for this quilt. Haha!  But hey, no pins ma!

Can you see the puppies in the background?   They were mildly confused as to why a quilt was on the grass and they weren't romping on it.

The back

My client had specifics for the back.  She is getting a blue bedroom set to go in her daughter's room and she'll be painting the walls grey.  Making a quilt back this large took some creativity however.   I did have just enough fabric tho.  Phewsh!

The marionette print is my favorite.  After making this, and not wanting to give it away, I decided I had better make me one...or the kids one...or two, oh great we need three of them!  ;)

Princess Crown Binding, what else?

Quilt Stats:
ALL fabric used is from Sarah Jane's, Lets Pretend.  Have I mentioned I need SJ's autograph? ;)
67 x 91 (large twin size - borderline Queen?)
Crosshatch quilting produced the softest, quilty delicious effect that I was going for. :)

Now that this is done, she wants a pillow sham to go with it.  I will be doing that tonight - you can find me in my sewing room. ♥

Linking up to:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Highland Fling

The booth was great.  It was hot, the kids AND the husband whined and complained, but overall it was a success.  All my business cards got taken, I met some awesome people and ladies who quilt themselves and got to talk to them and share the love of quilting.  I even got some custom quilt requests!  I sold almost all of the crayon wallets.  I told my husband I didn't want to take ANY home. ;)  I ended up with 3.  That's acceptable. Haha.  I even sold a quilt! It was worth it. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

I wanted a vintage suitcase to be part of my display, so a couple weeks ago we went on a hunt for one.  We found this one at a local antique store and it was just what I wanted!  I wanted red and I wanted the inside to be cute - and hello!  Polka-dots??  Couldn't be cuter in my opinion. :)  Sold!

Crappy iPhone photo :(

I made a pillow to match the Lets Pretend quilt.  I used pink chevrons on the back and filled it with a pillow form at Joann's.  They had a two pack on sale for 50% off!  If you are in need of pillow forms, go snatch some up now!  I think i paid like 5 or 7 bucks for 2 18 inch pillows.  Woohoo!

The 'Peek-a-Boo, I see you' quilt was a hit because of the cuddle fabric.  Everyone loved touching it.  Yah, cuddle fabric is adorable and the quilt itself is SOOOO cuddly (hence the name maybe?)  BUT, it's painful to sew with.  It's true.  You may have read that if you pin your minky and your cuddle fabric it's easy, but let me tell you, it is STILL a bear to sew with.  It's heavier and slippery.  Make sure you have a walking foot, a beverage of your choice (maybe spiked) and close the door so the little ears don't hear cussing...cuz it'll happen.  And if it doesn't for you, then you are amazing and can I send mine to you to quilt?  ;)

I'm working on a custom quilt right now with my favorite SJ fabrics.  I'm LOVING it.  It's a twin size, a bit bigger than I normally do, but it's fun.  What are you working on?